Founded in Berlin in 2018, HEARTWAKE films GmbH produces and coproduces fiction and documentary films with German and international talent for the local and international market. HEARTWAKE films seeks to develop and promote films with social and artistic relevance, inspiring characters and unique power to engage audiences. With a portfolio of projects with feminist and queer protagonists or underrepresented voices taking action, we embrace diversity in all its forms to produce films that challenge the status quo. HEARTWAKE films offers space for filmmakers, partners and projects, to work and grow - with one another and within the industry.
JULIA WAGNER | founder & producer
With HEARTWAKE films Julia Wagner produces and coproduces fiction and documentary films with artistic and social relevance, and a focus on feminist, queer and underrepresented perspectives for the local and international market.
Julia started her film career in 2005 in post-production and gathered experience in different positions of filmmaking before heading into production. She worked with and for various production companies and broadcasters around Germany as producer, creative producer, script consultant, 1st AD and production manager.
With HEARTWAKE films she executive produced SEGUNDO TEMPO (W/D: Rubens Rewald, BRA/GER, Rio FilmFestival 2019), and currently post-produces 2 feature films – the Leuchtstoff-funded debut fiction IRIS / WE MIGHT AS WELL BE DEAD (WT) (W/D: Natalia Sinelnikova), which received two awards during IDM AltoAdige’s Final Touch Lab 2021 – for postproduction and distribution, as well as the hybrid documentary EMBODIED CHORUS (W/D: Danielle Davie & Mohamad Sabbah, LEB/GER/LUX).
Currently in development are MASCHA (WT) (W: Carl Gerber, 24 weeks, D: John Kolya Reichart, Party of eight) – which was part of the FullCircleLab UpperRhine 2020 as well as the PopUp Film Residency in Denmark with Adomeit Films, the queer Mini-Series LOOSE (W/D: Julia C. Kaiser (Das Floß!, Die Hannas), and the GangsterDramedy QUEEN OF THULE (W: Paula Redlefsen, D: Ewa Wikiel, coproduced with KOI Studio PL).
Previously she worked as producer for Sommerhaus Filmproduktion, among others on IN THE AISLES (w/d: Thomas Stuber, Berlinale Competition 2018) and WHAT DOESN’T KILL US (w/d: Sandra Nettelbeck, Locarno 2018), as independent producer (e.g. THE PERFECT SOUND, D: Elisabeth Hamberger, for SWR), DARK SUGAR (D: Kristin Franke, SWR/FABW), BEELZEBUB (W/D: Barbara Ott, FABW & SWR) or THE WHITE TREASURE (W/D: Eva Katharina Bühler, DOK Leipzig 2011), and as 1st AD, e.g. on the NBC/Universal mini-series CULPA with Readymade films (d: Jano Ben Chaabane - Filmfest Munich 2017, Festival de la Fiction La Rochelle, nom: Best European TV series), OFFLINE – Cinema, 2015 - Ratpack Filmproduktion, and DER GUTE GÖRING - VincentTV).
Julia Wagner is a trained audiovisual media designer, holds a diploma in film production & international producing from Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, studied at FAMU Prague and received a scholarship for the ’Hollywood-Masterclass’ at UCLA in Los Angeles.
She is alumna of Berlinale Talents 2016, EAVE Producers Workshop 2019, Rotterdam Lab 2020 and a member of EWA European Women Audiovisual Network, WIFT Women in Film & Television, the French-German Film Academy and Produzentenverband e.V..
Since 2019 she joined the production committee as advisor and lecturer at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, where she also teaches several seminars in the GENDER-IN-PROGRESS line.
2020 IFFR Rotterdam Lab
2019 EAVE European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs Producer’s Workshop
2019 Producers Network Cannes
2018 IDFA Academy
2017 Propellor Film & Tech Innovation Hub, Kickstart Programme, IFFR Rotterdam
2016 Berlinale Talents
2013 Producers Workshop, Marché du film, Cannes
2013 prIME-Cup Germany, Management & entrepreuneur competition training, SAP AG
2013 GoEast Young Professional Programme, Wiesbaden
2012 'Become a CoProducer' programme by Robert-Bosch-foundation & SarajevoFilmFestival
member of
Produzentenverband e.V., French-German Filmacademy, EWA European Women’s Audiovisual Network & WIFT Women in Film and Television Germany.
EAVE Producers Workshop
Full Circle Lab Upper Rhine
Pop Up Film Residency
Produzentenverband e.V. / German Producers Association
Lecturer and member of the production committee of Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
also at Filmakademie BW: Seminar on genederbias- & diversity-awareness in character development and the making of our films;
together with Julia C. Kaiser (writer/director of our common project LOOSE)
HEARTWAKE films / Julia Wagner is a member of WIFT Germany